America 2-Night is the continuation of the talk-show parody series Fernwood 2 Night. It ran from April to July 1978. As in Fernwood, Barth Gimble was...
An entertainment television show presented by Welsh singer Charlotte Church. Each episode begins with a "theme tune" which always has the same melody...
Stand-up comedian Michael McIntyre sits in the interviewer's chair for the very first time, as he welcomes celebrity guests to chat, bringing his own...
The Mrs Merton Show is a mock chat show starring Caroline Aherne as the elderly host Mrs Merton. It ran from 10 February 1995 to 2 April 1998 and was...
With Barracuda, Daniele Luttazzi imported for the first time in Italy the TV genre of the "Late Show" created in the United States in the fifties by...
Chris Gethard hosts a panel of comedians and weirdos who participate in weird games, take calls from listeners, and generally put on a bizarre weekly...