A story revolving around a fresh graduate who holds an idealistic view of what's right and wrong, yet realizes that the very institution he chose to...
Thousands of years ago, there was a beautiful planet amongst the stars where the deities lived. Among them, there were six powerful gods that include...
In the spring of 1931, after the Communist Party successfully set up many communication stations in China, they set their sight on Western Europe and...
Towards the end of the Warring States Era, the States of Qin and Zhao are engaged in a lengthy battle. Li Hao Lan, daughter of the Censor-in-chief of...
Sherwood Forest outlaw Robin Hood and his partners -- Marion Fitzwalter, Little John and Friar Tuck -- use magic, sorcery and courage to fight royal...
On a rainy night in the Beidahuang forest area in 1969, the small train brought another group of educated youth from major cities across the country....
The story of Wei Xiaobao, a little man born at the bottom of society. He entered the imperial palace by chance without knowing any martial arts, and...