Hi! Honey is a Taiwanese television drama series that aired on CTV in 2003. The series ran for a total of 21 episodes, and starred Pace Wu, Shi Yi...
Fuutarou Uesugi is a poor, antisocial ace student who one day meets the rich transfer student Itsuki Nakano. They argue but when Uesugi realizes he...
Ouran High is a school for the extremely wealthy or, in Haruhi's case, the extremely talented. But no amount of talent will help when Haruhi...
Bo Laish is a 50-year-old man besieged by debt and wants to escape these tragedies. He resorts to small projects and starts moving from one failed...
The Greyling siblings reunite at their family home in the Namaqualand desert in the Northern Cape after one of them reneges on a decade-long deal to...
"Sunshine Home" is a home for the aged founded by Grandma Lin. In a small space that's full of warmth reside a group of elderly people with different...
High school student Katagiri Yuichi cares about friendship more than money because of his mother’s teachings. One day, Yuichi and his close...
Song Shi On is an aspiring contemporary dancer who has recently been thrown out of the house by his family, while Jin Hong Seok gave up on his dream...
More and more people in Austria are currently slipping into financial difficulties. Once you've fallen into the debt trap, it often seems impossible...
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
The owner of a Paris jazz club gets tangled up with dangerous criminals as he fights to protect his business, his band and his teenage daughter.
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