The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
En el siglo XVIII, los samuráis que llevaban a cabo actos de venganza eran compensados económicamente por los clanes a los que...
Yamada cierra su trilogía sobre samurais con esta historia acerca de un fuerte servidor del Shogun que pierde la vista en una misión....
The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
El samurái Ryonosuke siente una insana fascinación por el poder mortal de su katana y va por la vida acumulando cadáveres, con o...
Japón, siglo XII. En Kioto, bajo las puertas del derruido templo de Rashomon, se guarecen de la torrencial lluvia un leñador, un...
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